Lillianna Pereira : The Hero With A Thousand Faces

Added on by Guy Pettit.

June 7 – July 1, 2012


Lillianna (Lilly) Pereira

 is an artist and designer living in Western Massachusetts. She grew up on a steady diet of comic books which fostered her love of visual storytelling and inspired her to put pencil to paper. She attended the Hartford Art school where she not only honed her design skills but discovered mythology and collage. The girl who wanted to draw comic books and to tell other people’s stories now wanted to tell her own. Mythology became her muse, and collage became her medium. Lilly has won numerous design awards including a Grand Gold CASE Award and Gold Creative Merit Awards. Her artwork has been included in several exhibitions within the U.S., and internationally (Canada, Germany, Portugal, UK, and India). 



Artist Statement:

The language of myth allows a story to be a part of a wider universal context. Although these stories and archetypes may resonate very closely with me on a personal level, their creation derives from collective material and their power lies in the meaning and the broader truths that myths convey. Culled images from magazines, books, and newspapers are manipulated and reassembled in order to activate the archetypes that lie therein. I never start a piece with particulars in mind, serendipity and the personal unconscious guide the composition. The personal becomes collective and conscious once the stories start to emerge.

Opening Reception: 

16 poets reinterpret the artwork of Lillianna Pereira.

Poems by

Matthew Zapruder Dara Wier Betsy Wheeler C.S. Ward Jono Tosch Michelle Taransky Emily Pettit Nathaniel Otting Lisa Olstein Dorothea Lasky Seth Landman Christopher Janke Kate Greenstreet Heather Christle Hannah Brooks-Motl Catherine Bresner